How Doctors Treat….

UL 26Some dreams come true. Some do not. One of my quotes is “You’d believe in dreams, too, if you’d had as many come true as me.”

For the first 20 plus years of my life, I wanted to be a doctor. There was no question as to what my future held in store. Except for a brief period, which my father reminded me of, where I wanted to be BOTH a garbage man AND a doctor. Also, there was a period where my best friend and I would concoct chemicals in our “JB’s Laboratory” and sell them door-to door to earn cigarette money….

Ultimately, I decided medicine was a career I passionately wanted, but for which I was temperamentally unsuited. Last night I dreamed of an old boss who has passed on. It gave me some excellent wake-up take-away.

This boss was bright and exceptionally well connected–both socially and politically. No matter who you were, however, he always made you feel special. He had a big, genuine smile and always an interest in what you had to say.

As I reflect on my dream, I think of the many other gifted, successful doctors and nurses I had the privilege of working beside while I did study and work toward a career in medicine.

Some of the most brilliant minds our city has ever known taught me.

These people taught me not only to be inquisitive and confident, but also how to treat EVERYONE like a decent, worthy human being. I can still see their smiles, hear their “Good job” compliments, and feel their pats on the back and handshakes.

Knowing these amazing people was a blessing. It was also a lesson in “the medicine” the world perhaps needs most–how to treat others well….jh